“Connections between Kenya and Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, Egypt and Sudan are at advanced stages of being commissioned,” he stated.


The continent currently generates approximately 120,000 MW of power with the South Africa and Egypt as the biggest producers.

He added that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s(DRC) Inga Hydro electric power project which has the potential to produce 40, 000 MW of power, is the cheapest source of energy in the continent.

Africa nations have agreed to interconnect their national electricity grids by the end of 2020.

Africa to interconnect power grids by 2020 – China.org.cn

Illustration of Africa’s transnational grid interconnections

Africa: its energy interconnection will deliver power generated in the north to the south, complement the power between the east and the west, and connect to the grids in Europe in the north and Asia in the east. By 2050, Africa will have 3,500TWh of centralized generation and 3,000TWh of distributed generation, and devel0p 4,500TWh of electricity in the Equator, 1,500TWh of which will be delivered out.

Asia-Africa: Asia will connect to Africa via the Middle East.

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