Sola Rey

Nubian Princes Were Educated At The Egyptian Royal Court?

According to this 1992 documentary produced by Penn Museum , Nubian Princes Were Educated At The Egyptian Royal Court.

Nubia was important in Egyptian economic life.

The relationship between Egypt and Nubia hinged upon the gold supply and the Nubian soldiers that were recruited for the Egyptian army.

Another Nubian state was centered at Napata located near the fourth cataract each have sought to colonize the Nubians sent settlers into Nubia and control its native peoples.

When Egypt began to lose control of Nubia, Napata emerged as the new Nubian power called The Kingdom of Kush by the Egyptians.

There existed a powerful monarchy in Napata allied with the priestly class who themselves became increasingly important during the occupation by Egypt and the influence of the cult of Amun-Ra.

The strength of the Nubian rulers is evident by the domination of Thebes, by the Kushites Kings Kashta and the conquest of Egypt by his son Piye.

The Nubians, once in control of Egypt continue to foster its traditional culture.

The reign of the Kushites in the 25th dynasty was much influenced by Egyptian culture, religion, language, architecture and arts all showed its effects.

The Kushites monarchy in the Sudan, lasted more than a thousand years.

By the 3rd century BC, for reasons that are not clear, symbolic center of Kush shifted further south, between the fifth and the sixth Cataracs to Meroe, on a triangle
of land between the Nile and the upper rivers, the so-called island of Meroe.

At Meroe architectural remains feature royal palace, temples and chapels implying Meroe great religious significance.

The famous flattop pyramids of Meroe, stood over underground burial chambers, though not as high as massive his Egyptian pyramids, the incline is much steeper.

The grave goods and remains all help to reconstruct Nubian life.

There is no one certain reason why the center of power shifted from Napata to Meroe, it could have been a number of influences, to reduce the importance of the Napatan priest or the discovery of iron deposits were greater in Meroe between the desert roots and the Red Sea ports, which even today is still a crossroads for trade routes.

These people are considered to have been logical and pragmatic as evidenced by American description explaining flooding as a result of heavy rains rather than action of the Gods. 

Click on CC to read the subtitles 

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