I was trying multitasking in this beautiful environment. Besides taking pics, videos, corresponding with the tour guide (that was absolutely adorably sweet) learning the history and how it came to be as it is known now. Honestly I think I was on information overload. It’s hard to document everything. Sometimes just being in the moment is good enough. Unfortunately I learned this the hard way. Taking in the ambiance and having great memories at times is good enough to stimulate your 5 senses and maybe your 6th sense? 😉
As you can see, from what I can recall are these beautiful mansions behind me which are built on prime real estate, own by Families like the Du Pont, L’Oreal, Vanderbilts, Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (The owner of Virgin), The owner of Benetton is currently building his mansion , a former Microsoft engineer (who went into space three times) and last but not least to name a few, Brigitte Bardot who made this sleepy town famous from starring in the classic film in 1956 “…And God Created Woman”. I will post the trailer above so you can see what St. Tropez looked like before.