Bouar megaliths – Nana-Mambéré. In the surroundings of Bouar city are found some 70 groups of megalithic stone settings (tajunu), most likely created in the Neolithic age. Sites contain burial cists and upright stones. Tallest stones are up to 5 meters high.
Bouar megaliths 7440 BC.
“In some parts of Africa megaliths survive which are somewhat reminiscent of Stonehenge. Hundreds of them are to be found in the borderland between Cameroon and Central African Republic. They are thought to be memorials, but contain no human remains, and were made by cultivators during the first millennium BCE. That they had the energy and resources to cut, transport and erect stones so large that they posed a danger to modern excavators shows the strength the religious or other beliefs which inspired them. It also reflects a culture which could afford this type of extravagance”
Elizabeth Allo Isichei – 1997. A History of African Societies to 1870.
Collectors Stamp above
“The Central African Republic, on the other hand, possesses quite spectacular megaliths in the Bouar region. This has yielded some important dates, one group lying in the lowest strate of the monuments: 7440 +/- 170 b.b, that is 5490 before our era.. we cannot be certain where the Bouar megaliths should be placed in the Neolithic periodm but the culture which erected them can at least be said to be contemporary with the Neolithic.”
–UNESCO General History of Africa: Methodology and African prehistory. 1981
Les mégalithes de Bouar – UNESCO World Heritage Centre
We have all seen this pose before. Can’t remember where? Watch some break dancing and hip-hop videos. That’s the B-boy stance their doing. ( I have an old black and white photo of a king from Madagascar, if I do remember correctly from the 1800’s and he had a similar way of standing. I will share it with you once I find it again) If their is memory in your DNA, like the recent scientific reports been stating, then I guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.-Sola
Memories’ pass between generations – BBC News –
Bouar was ceded by France to Germany under the terms of the 1911 Morocco-Congo Treaty, becoming part of the German colony of Neukamerun until it was reconquered by the French during World War I. The town was occupied and burned down in the late 1920s by Gbaya rebels during the Kongo-Wara rebellion.
In 1978 the city was made the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bouar. Bouar is also the headquarters of the Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne en la Republique Centrafricaine (Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Central African Republic).
The Central African Republic is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Chad to the north, Sudan to the northeast, South Sudan to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo to the south and Cameroon to the west. The CAR covers a land area of about 620,000 square kilometres (240,000 sq mi) and had an estimated population of around 4.7 million as of 2014.