A seventh-grader and her 80-year-old grandfather are allegedly the first people to discover that President Barack Obama is related to all other U.S. presidents except one.
A seventh-grader and her 80-year-old grandfather are allegedly the first people to discover that President Barack Obama is related to all other U.S. presidents except one.
How does the human body tell the story of evolution? Dr Alice Roberts investigates. http://dai.ly/x1k30d8 http://dai.ly/x1juvul http://dai.ly/x2jqxn0 http://dai.ly/x2jqxnx
http://youtu.be/-ztOVRSKxqw Dash asks people on the street to identify Latinos based on physical appearance. Do stereotypes guide people’s perception of a certain “look” of Latino ethnicity? Colorism and “Mejorando La Raza” Internalized racism, color preference, class whitening and “bettering the race” are discussed. How do these mentalities translate into social norms and treatment?
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