Ladies loving fashion and beauty is part of who we are. Does your outfit alter how you approach and interact with the world? It has long been known that “clothing affects how other people perceive us as well as how we think about ourselves,” Dr. Galinsky said. “I love the idea of trying to figure […]
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Tag: women’s brain
Women & Education
November 14, 1960 was the first day of first grade for Ruby and a memorable date in American history. Ruby was the only African American student to attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. She was the only one of six other students who lived in her neighborhood and were given the choice to […]
Science Fun Fact: Male vs Female Brain
Research indicates that men and women have different structures and wiring in the brain. For example, the frontal lobe-which is responsible for problem solving and decision making , and the limbic cortex-which is responsible for regulating emotion, are larger in women. Women also have about 10 times more white matter than men. < hummm….? Chemistry […]