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Tag: winter wear
Cool Jacket.
Biology: Humans Adapting to Climate Extremes
Body size and shape are significant factors in how efficiently an individual responds physiologically to cold and hot climates. When the environment is very cold, life can depend on the ability of our bodies to reduce heat loss and to increase internal heat production. As Bergmann and Allen observed, the human physiological response to cold […]
Over The Knee Calvin Klein Boots
I adore over the knee boots, especially in black and brown because it goes with everything. I love the touch of gold in the inner heel. Living in the city and always being in a rush particularly during the cold seasons, these boots are great just to pick up and go. I learned the hard […]
Versace Boots
I have a love affair with knee high & thigh high boots. Who knows… maybe it’s instinctual since the British & French aristocrats are well known to wear them in the past to our present time by the fashionistas. Boots have been used also by riders for millennia, they were used by knights. As a […]