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7Ft Tall Africans In Ancient Roman Times?

7Ft Tall Africans In Ancient Roman Times?

European, American & Canadian Reports- –Forgotten Race – Hugh Newman  Sounds like the basket ball players of our modern times, that were ancient African soldiers in the Mediterranean. Thank you A.P. for writing this article… Tall African men exist even today, they are our great athletes we admire. For instance, the 7 foot 1 inch Chamberlain […]

Ancient land of Punt: Pyramidal structures found in Somalia?

Ancient land of Punt: Pyramidal structures found in Somalia?

Queen Ati, wife of King Perahu of Punt, depicted on Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el-Bahri. Somalia is among the most probable locations of the fabled ancient Land of Punt. Ancient pyramidical structures, mausoleums, ruined cities and stone walls, such as the Wargaade Wall, are evidence of an old civilization that once thrived in the […]

African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?

African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?

Caesar, Morituri te salutant! [“Caesar, Those about to die salute you.!”] The city was becoming an important trade center. Probably in the first half of the sixth century, the Carthaginian admiral Hanno founded several colonies along the coast of what is now Morocco and proceeded to the gold river Senegal, and even reached Mount Cameroon. […]

The Ships of the Great Pharaohs 5,000 years old?

The Ships of the Great Pharaohs 5,000 years old?

Documentary on Reconstructing The Ancient Egyptian Ships. This documentary is very interesting and entertaining. All of the documentaries you will find on this channel will challenge your mind. Khufu Boat Museum – Supreme Council of Antiquities – Museums –Funeral of a Mummy by Frederick Arthur Bridgman –Boat model, painted wood. Egyptian Civilization, Middle Kingdom. Paris, […]

The Phoenicians

The Phoenicians

Their major trade routes were by sea to the Greek islands, across southern Europe, down the Atlantic coast of Africa, and up to ancient Britain. In addition, Arabia and India were reached via the Red Sea, and vast areas of Western Asia were connected to the homeland via land routes where goods were transported by […]

Barbarians Rising: Hannibal

Barbarians Rising: Hannibal

Tribe: Carthage Region: North Africa The elite force: Clad in bronze armor, the Carthaginians are a highly cultured tribe with a developed military and navy. Hannibal Barca, born c. 247 B.C., was the son of the great Carthaginian general, Hamilcar. The Barcas were a family of military leaders, the greatest generals of the Carthaginian armies. […]