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Model: Alysia Francis

Model: Alysia Francis

Nationality: Jamaican Ethnicity: Caribbean/West Indies, African descent. She’s 5’9 ft tall with hazel eyes. What are your thoughts on modelling? I love it. I love that it allows me to be a canvas for the creations of so many different designers. I also love the relationships and experiences one can garner as a model. It’s such a […]

Model: Devan Nykole

Model: Devan Nykole

Nationality: American Ethnicity: African descent. She has gray-green eyes. I would like to see this young woman more often in the fashion and acting world. This photo above is just captivating and I had to share it with the rest of you. View her photos and videos below. VFILES | Devan Nykole 5’9!devan […]

Model: Aliane Uwimana Gatabazi

Model: Aliane Uwimana Gatabazi

Nationality: French Ethnicity: African She speaks French and English. Ms. Gatabazi stands at 5’7 1/2 ft tall. I was totally captivated by this stunning photo. Not much is known about this young lady but I would definitely like to see her more often in the fashion world. Brilliant in gold This Photo Above was taken with […]

Brazilian Actress and Model: Ildi Silva

Brazilian Actress and Model:  Ildi Silva

Nationality: Brazilian Place of birth: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.     Brazilians are of mixed heritage   Trade Mark: Her green eyes Brazil officially the Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both South America and theLatin American region.    It is the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world, and the only one in the Americas. […]

Sheron Menezes – Brazilian Actress

Sheron Menezes – Brazilian Actress

Nationality: Brazilian Place of birth: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil   The actress starred in the TV Globo soap opera Esperança in April 2002 with the approval of the director Luiz Fernando Carvalho who was impressed with his test and suggested to the author, Benedito Ruy Barbosa, the changing age of the character, Julia, oldest first, so it could […]