The only slave uprising in history to end with the foundation of a new country—went on to inspire countless other revolts throughout the United States and the Caribbean. English translation from Haitian Creole : “What doesn’t kill you strengthens you” A bloody, thirteen-year revolution ensued, a complex web of wars among and between slaves, whites, […]
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Tag: Louisiana’s Creole
Louisiana’s Creole
Many Creoles, however, are descendants of French colonials who fled Saint-Domingue (Haiti) for North America’s Gulf Coast when a slave insurrection (1791) challenged French authority. According to Thomas Fiehrer’s essay “From La Tortue to La Louisiane: An Unfathomed Legacy,” Saint-Dominque had more than 450,000 black slaves, 40,000 to 45,000 whites, and 32,000 gens-decouleur libres, who […]