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Scientists explains why women of color ages 10 to 20 years slower

Scientists explains why women of color ages 10 to 20 years slower

Do YOU have the younger gene? Scientists identify genetic recipe that knocks years off our age – and you’re twice as likely to have it if you are black. Harvard scientists led a study involving almost one million people with private genetic database 23andMe and found one in ten white and a fifth of black […]

Science: Intelligence comes from a woman’s X chromosome?

Science: Intelligence comes from a woman’s X chromosome?

A mother’s genetics determines how clever her children are, according to researchers, and the father makes no difference. Women are more likely to transmit intelligence genes to their children because they are carried on the X chromosome and women have two of these, while men only have one. –Eve biting the apple? Laboratory studies using […]

Seeing Color For The First Time

Seeing Color For The First Time

Color blindness affects millions of people worldwide. Most men are color blind, It affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. CVD (Color Vision Deficiency) can be acquired, but most are inherited genetically. The genes that influence the colors inside the eyes, called ‘photopigments,’ are carried on the X chromosome. If these genes are […]

Science: DNA Of Your Ancestors

Science: DNA Of Your Ancestors

The quest to understand who we are and where we come from has long depended on family lore. But when few relatives or traces of history are available, the search can leave the seekers feeling lost. Now, consumer genetics companies are stepping in where families can not. Popularized by US and British television shows featuring […]

Science of attraction

Science of attraction

Which physical features light the flames of passion when we see a stranger across a crowded room? And why do women’s faces subtly change over the course of every month? What makes you sexy and attractive to the opposite sex? Everyday, attraction starts the same way for millions of people around the world with a […]

The World’s Most Common Eye Color Is Brown

The World’s Most Common Eye Color Is Brown

1-Eyes are thought to have first developed in animals, in a very basic form, around 550 million years ago. 2-The world’s most common eye colour is brown. 3-Your eye is the fastest muscle in your body – hence why when something happens quickly, we say ‘in the blink of an eye! 4-You see with your […]

Colorism: Shades of Difference

Colorism: Shades of Difference

Shades of Difference addresses the widespread but little studied phenomenon of colorism—the preference for lighter skin and the ranking of individual worth according to skin tone. Examining the social and cultural significance of skin color in a broad range of societies and historical periods, this insightful collection looks at how skin color affects people’s opportunities in Latin America, […]

Albinism around the world

Albinism around the world

Indian albino man Rosetauri Pullman has 2 albino wives, 7 albino children. The Pullan children Shankar, 24, Ramkishan, 19, and Vijay, 25 (back row), along with daughters Deepa, 21 (left) and Pooja, 18 (right) all inherited albinism from their father Rosetauri and mother Mani (centre). Those with the condition do not produce enough melanin pigment, […]

Polygenic Inheritance

Polygenic Inheritance

Polygenic inheritance occurs when one characteristic is controlled by two or more genes. Often the genes are large in quantity but small in effect. Examples of human polygenic inheritance are height, skin color, eye color and weight.   GREAT POLYGENIC INHERITANCE VIDEO REEL> Based on the true story of Sandra Laing, a light-skinned, African […]

Advantages Of Being Attractive

Advantages Of Being Attractive

This Study Proves That Looks Matter More Than Reputation. The way you look means a lot—especially if you’re in the financial industry—and the more trustworthy you look to potential clients, the more you’ll attract higher investments. Despite appearances and first impressions, a recently published study in the PLoS One journal reports that even if people […]