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Michelangelo’s Image of Cleopatra

Michelangelo’s Image of Cleopatra

Drawing of Cleopatra made by Michelangelo between 1533 and 1534. –Wiki This is one of the few authenticated drawings of Michelangelo and was drawn for Tommaso de’ Cavalieri, a young artist that Michelangelo passionately loved. This is the only drawing, of what Michelangelo claimed many drawings presenting to Cavlieri, that we have left. The drawing […]

Ancient Hair

Ancient Hair

Hair weaving, although not in the modern form that it exists in today. It has been around for centuries. The earliest form of hair extensions dates back all the way to 5000 B.C in Ancient Egypt. Back then, this form of hairstyle was a status symbol as well as a fashion icon, and was adopted […]

Ancient Faces: The Mummy Portraits From Egypt

Ancient Faces: The Mummy Portraits From Egypt

“Tondo of the Two Brothers”  In the last decade, the genre of Roman painted portraiture that was first discovered in the cemeteries of Egypt’s Fayum Oasis has inspired a series of important publications, conferences and international exhibitions. 1 Primarily painted on wooden panels, these vivid likenesses are persistently termed Fayum portraits, despite the fact that […]

Queen Dowager Rosalie Gicanda

Queen Dowager Rosalie Gicanda

Queen Gicanda was the wife of Rwandan Mwami (King in the Kinyarwanda language) Mutara III of Rwanda. After her husband died in mysterious circumstances in 1959, the Rwandan monarchy lasted only two more years, under the leadership of Mwami Kigeli V of Rwanda and then coming to an end in 1961. This Queen looks similar to Princess Emma Bakayishonga.  […]

The Ships of the Great Pharaohs 5,000 years old?

The Ships of the Great Pharaohs 5,000 years old?

Documentary on Reconstructing The Ancient Egyptian Ships. This documentary is very interesting and entertaining. All of the documentaries you will find on this channel will challenge your mind. Khufu Boat Museum – Supreme Council of Antiquities – Museums –Funeral of a Mummy by Frederick Arthur Bridgman –Boat model, painted wood. Egyptian Civilization, Middle Kingdom. Paris, […]