For privacy reasons I will not post my specific genetic variations but will share & summarize some pretty interesting facts…
1 – Intelligence; longevity a May 2014 paper suggests this variant improves intelligence. Has higher cranial capacity. Another IQ gene? Better intracranial volume? Slightly increased lifespan?
This is a well known longevity gene. Longer telomeres, longer life? Greater odds of living to 95.
I found another Intelligence; Ageing; Longevity gene. This seems to pop up a few times. (I lost count by the way.)
2 – Better performing muscles. Likely sprinter. This genotype indicates better performing muscles, particularly for sprinting and power sports. stronger bones.
3 – Increased memory performance.
4 – Optimistic and empathetic; handle stress well. The one in four subjects who inherited a variation in this were significantly better at accurately reading the emotions of others by observing their faces, subjects were mellower and more attuned to other people.
DNA sequencing – Wikipedia
In other words, I guess my mother had a happy and healthy pregnancy during my development since I have a high percentage of good genes.
I also have an existing gene for blonde hair color. Two newly identified genetic determinants of pigmentation in Europeans. Increases susceptibility to Blond rather than brown hair.
Gene associated with red hair color (redheads), and in redheaded females. In this case in an Irish population although this has also been reported in Icelandic and Dutch populations .
Blue/gray eyes more likely (I can’t believe these genes are currently present) is associated with blue or green eye color in Caucasians.
I don’t recall how many months I was in this photo, but my mother always said she was happy to have me…
on a side note; I love the fact that she still stayed well groomed through out her pregnancy. I love her make-up & gold jewelry! She designed a lot of her own dresses and headscarves. (her sewing professor studied fashion/dress making in New York & France) She has her certificate/degree as a seamstress.
Where or how does one do their sequencing?
I was wondering the same thing? This is most interesting. I’ve been reading articles on this site for a while now and I find it most enlightening.