One thing I love about photo shoots is that you can become a different person sort of like acting. Hair, make-up, lighting and the angle of your face can make you look like a totally different person. And yes that’s me below.


I found one of my old Japanese playlist & others.

Nostalgia 04

Nostalgia 06

Nostalgia 02

I’m not sure how they did it but some how they converted my MP3 or wave file into a vinyl for DJs or for DMC Champs.

Nostalgia 00

Nostalgia 01


Nostalgia 05

Nostalgia 07

I’m sharing this with you now because recently I was in the subway station and I came across an ad with a beautiful elderly woman on it. I stopped, looked at it, thought about it for a minute and said “My God, I only have one life. I will become her. We all will.” This is what motivated me to share this post with you.