Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Both Parents are Bi-racial
She was born in Kenya
Malaika Firth is the first black model since Naomi to be the face of Prada. Naomi Campbell become the first black face of Prada back in 1994, 20 years ago.
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Both Parents are Bi-racial
She was born in Kenya
Malaika Firth is the first black model since Naomi to be the face of Prada. Naomi Campbell become the first black face of Prada back in 1994, 20 years ago.
Looking younger than some women who are 20 years younger.
Couple égyptien en calcaire peint, règne d’Aménophis III (vers 1391-1353 avant J.-C.) Egypte au musée du Louvre
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