“NASA is playing God, its making its own weather” – Jeremy Clarkson, heads to Mississippi where NASA test their Space Shuttle solid rocket boosters, consuming half a million gallons of fuel. During this test NASA manage to create artificial clouds.


From BBC Top Gear


Now the most amazing thing is that back cloud out there which was generated by the engine is just a mixture of hydrogen an oxygen its water vapor. I’m in about an hour’s time, someone in Mississippi is going to get wet washing, it will actually rain!

– Jeremy Clarkson


Potential use for this cloud making capability

Thanks for sharing!

Night Time Artificial Cloud Study Using NASA Sounding Rocket

New Scientist is reporting that German scientists have built a laser with the capability to create clouds, albeit in a controlled laboratory environment.

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Your Health


This might one day lead to technology to trigger rain on demand. The video below is of the controlled experiment, during which scientists shoot a laser beam packing a 220-millijoule wallop into a chamber filled with water-saturated -24 C° air. The result was clouds.

People have experimented with cloud seeding for decades in the hope of boosting rainfall, usually by sprinkling silver iodide crystals into clouds high in the atmosphere.

These crystals encourage large water droplets to form around them, and the droplets then fall as rain – in theory, at least. “The efficiency of this technique is controversial,” says Jérôme Kasparian at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, one member of a research team that think lasers may be a better way to trigger rain on demand.


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Geoengineering for your wedding day?

You can make sure it’s sunny for an outdoor wedding.


Make custom hearts on your wedding day with cloud making machine

This Cloud-Making Machine Is The Stuff Of Dreams | Huffington Post

What is a cloud?

a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground.

Amazing invention. I can’t see this machine being used for anything but good.