Some people think it’s Nefertiti or one of her daughters Meritaton or Anchesenpaaton?

Queen Merit-Aton

Although the eye liner and lipstick are faint in color, I still love ancient make-up. Simply beautiful.


Head of a statue of Queen Merit-Aton?
Dynasty 18.
C.1340-1335 B.C.
From Amarna.
Gift of James Simon, 1920.
Egyptian Museum in the Altes Museum.
Berlin, Germany.


amarna princess queen

Queen Meritaten

Queen Merit-Aton 00


Queen Merit-Aton 02

Eventhough this statue is unfinished it represents a masterpiece of late Amarna art with the characteristic almond shaped eyes, soft full lips lightly coloured red and the soft modelling of the face. The plinth on top of the head was originally covered by a separately work crown, the main indication that here a queen is represented. Possible Nefertiti herself is shown. or one of her daughters Meritaton or Anchesenpaaton married to Semenchkare and Tutankhamen respectively.

Other’s think it’s Nefertiti or one of her daughters Meritaton or Anchesenpaaton
Head of a Statue of a Queen
New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, ca. 1340 BC
Height 30 cm.

Queen Merit-Aton 0
