Music is dear to me and depending on the right sound it can be relaxing. This book also seems to hit on the spiritual aspect of music as well. I found this book by accent as I was walking through the book store. The title got my attention.I must say It was a pleasant read. I recommend this book to musicians, spiritualist & others who are bored with the everyday routine. 

A Casebook of Otherworldly Music

The book was originally titled: NAD: A Study of Some Unusual “Other World” Experiences. What is NAD? It’s a Sanskrit term signifying transcendental, astral, psychic, or paranormal music – music heard from no apparent source.

Those who are open-minded enough to read Rogo without pre-supposition, however, will find this volume filled with intriguing case material and much provocative theoretical material.

Educated at the University of Cincinnati and San Fernando Valley State College, Rogo held a unique position in parapsychology and made many contributions to the field that deserve recognition. He served as a visiting researcher at the Psychical Research Foundation, then in Durham, North Carolina, and at the Division of Parapsychology and Psychophysics of the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.