Hair weaving, although not in the modern form that it exists in today. It has been around for centuries. The earliest form of hair extensions dates back all the way to 5000 B.C in Ancient Egypt. Back then, this form of hairstyle was a status symbol as well as a fashion icon, and was adopted by both men and women.

South Sudanese Model: Adau Mornyang wearing Indique hair

Men would shave their hair off and then make elaborate wigs from it. Women, on the other hand would weave their hair to add volume and thickness. The aristocrats of Egypt would use such methods, but for the poorer citizens, other, cheaper methods were adopted.


As many of us know, much of modern hair weaving is in influence of African American culture. Since the 16fh century, women brought as slaves had elaborate and intricate hairdos complete with twists and braids.

Quote by Dubb_P

 Wood Of Buis. Time of Amenophis III from the Louvre Museum. Paris, France

Amenhotep III, also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

This is the largest and most commonly known influence in modern hair weaving.

Weave culture, although not completely widespread does exist and is accepted as a form of hair doing in our society. Most people in the entertainment Industry are more likely to explore hair weaving, but extensions are not uncommon among today’s youth. Of course, as time progresses, the fashion will change and maybe we will see a new era.


Image by Dubb_P

Cultural identity and historical consciousness

Image by Dubb_P