Lost or forgotten History

U.S. Senator Hiram Rhodes Revels

U.S. Senator Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first African-American to serve as a state senator, representing Mississippi in 1870.

Blacks And The Founding Father – PBS

‘Glenn Beck’: Founders’ Friday: African-American Founders …

Reconstruction and Beyond: The 8 African-American Senators

America’s Black Founders: Revolutionary Heroes & Early …

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History books are replete with heroic stories of Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, but what of Allen, Russwurm, and Hawley? America’s Black Founders celebrates the lesser known but significant lives and contributions of our nation’s early African American leaders. Many know that the Revolutionary War’s first martyr, Crispus Attucks, a dockworker of African descent, was killed at the Boston Massacre. But far fewer know that the final conflict of the war, the Battle of Yorktown, was hastened to a conclusion by James Armistead Lafayette, a slave and spy who reported the battle plans of General Cornwallis to George Washington.

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Celebrating the lesser known but significant lives and contributions of our nation’s early African American leaders, this multicultural complement to most children’s books on the American Revolution


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Author Nancy Sanders weaves the histories of dozens of men and women—soldiers, sailors, ministers, poets, merchants, doctors, and other community leaders—who have earned proper recognition among the founders of the United States of America. To get a better sense of what these individuals accomplished and the times in which they lived, readers will celebrate Constitution Day, cook colonial foods, publish a newspaper, petition their government, and more. This valuable resource also includes a time line of significant events, a list of historic sites to visit or explore online, and Web resources for further study.

African American Members of the United States Congress …

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Blanche Kelso Bruce, R-Miss.

Blanche K. Bruce, United States Senator in 1874 from Mississippi.

Senator Edward W. Brooke

Edward William Brooke III, the first African American elected via popular vote to the US Senate. He served as Massachusetts senator from 1967 to 1979.

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