Nationality: German
Ethnicity: Kampala, Uganda, African
She currently lives in Berlin.
Ms. Kasumba portrayed as a Security Chief in Captain America: Civil War.
She stole the whole movie with one line ” Move. Or you will be moved”. The public can’t get enough and would like to see more of her character evolve in the near future.
She has been filming in English, German and Dutch since 2000. She is known for: Ik ook van jou (2001), Kongo (2009), Tatort- Der illegale Tod (2011), Transpapa (2012), Das Vermächtnis der Wanderhure (2013), Der letzte Bulle (2013), Tatort – Borowski und das Meer (2014), The Quest (2014), Dominion (2015).
History makes the comic books even more bad-ass
They’re recognizable for their often shaved heads and gold earrings. Sometimes they wear high heels and slinky dresses like the woman in this scene does, and sometimes they wear traditional Wakandan garb. The actress who shares this brief scene with Scarlett Johansson and Chadwick Boseman is Uganda-born actress Florence Kasumba, credited as “Security Chief.”
Florence Kasumba — Doris Fuhrmann Management
Sports / instruments dance, athletics, yoga, fencing, riding / Tenor Saxophone
Register mezzosoprano
Fans are still buzzing about “Captain America: Civil War.” The action epic was a massive success for Marvel and propelled many heroes’ storylines forward, while teasing new ones like Black Panther and Spider-Man.
With all that, it’d take a heroic amount of screen presence for a newcomer to stand out among the crowd. This woman does it with a single, sharp line: “Move. Or you will be moved.”
Appearing briefly in a scene with Black Widow and Black Panther, the unnamed woman made a lasting impression in “Civil War,” appearing in stark black with an intimidating glare and captivating presence that fans absolutely love:
Talented artists and fans depictions of the character below
Ugandan-born German actress Florence Kasumba is the striking woman and IMDB credits her as “Security Chief.” While she may seem like just a testy (and impeccably dressed) bodyguard, she’s actually a hugely significant part of the Black Panther story.
-Christian Tomas
Yeah, can I get a film series about this stunning woman, please? She seriously stole the movie w one freakin line!
They come from all over Wakanda, an all-female guard established to create harmony among rival tribes. Though the (fictional) country Wakanda, located in equatorial Africa, has a tribal government, it is one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, in part because of its use of its valuable natural resource, Vibranium.
The Dora Milaje use a combination of various martial arts, plus fighting styles native to Wakanda, making them formidable foes to even well-trained soldiers and ninja.
They are trained to use swords, spears, and nunchaku.
Historically, the Dora Milaje are potential queens and wives-in-training for an unmarried king.
Dora Milaje (“Adored Ones”), which include Okoye, Queen Divine Justice and Nakia. The Dora Milaje are daughters of rival tribes who have been selected to serve T’Challa as bodyguards and potential wives in order to keep the peace.
Also noteworthy: Aneka, the combat instructor for the Dora Milaje. She trained them in techniques that could combat robots in anticipation of Doomwar.
The Dora Milaje also play a vital role in the war against Thanos (known to MCU fans as the Infinity War) — they actually defy T’Challa at an inopportune time and leave him hanging. They decide, instead, to follow T’Challa’s sister Shuri, who enjoys a run as Black Panther herself. This is yet another possibility for actress Florence Kasumba — although it’s unlikely that the woman she played in Civil War is T’Challa’s sister, it’s still possible.
This woman with some undeniable swagger struts out with T’Challa to the Wakandan king’s car, where Black Widow is waiting for them, standing in front of the car door. “Move or you will be moved,” this woman says to Black Widow. Oh, man would that have been a fun showdown to watch. T’Challa clearly thinks so too: “As entertaining as that would be…” he says.
After a costly fight with Doctor Doom when he attempted to invade Wakanda, T’Challa assembled a special team of select Dora Milaje to fight him called the Midnight Angels.
-photographed by island boi photography
They were specially trained to fight Doom’s robots and magic.
In the Civil War storyline in the comics, Black Panther is anti-registration, at odds with pro-registration Tony Stark. In the midst of all this controversy about the Superhero Registration Act, while T’Challa’s at the White House, a riot breaks out, and this incident leads the Dora Milaje to battle War Machine and his Sentinels.
Apparently they do fight in the comics books.
Florence Kasumba as the Wicked Witch of the East in NBC’s Emerald City.
Florence Kasumba has recently been cast as Daria in the new series …
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