Nationality: British
Ethnicity: (Jamaican, Caribbean) African descent.
She was crowned Miss Black Britain in 2006 and went on to compete in the Miss England pageant.
She is 5’10 ft tall.
What hurt most was that no one expected me to win.
School wasn’t much fun for me, I was bullied for most of my senior years for being too tall, too slim, having a dark complexion or white teeth! Looking back now it was actually ridiculous but it was painful at the time.
College was my fun years and University years were my serious years. I lived studying and remained focus on completing my degree; I graduated with a BA in Psychology and Counselling.
The highlights of my career has to be travelling to America, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean, shooting for Vogue Japan and meeting crazily great people on my model journey!
How did you feel when you were announced as the winner?
I was completely overwhelmed! They actually made a mistake and called out someone else’s number so the was a mixed emotion for about 30 seconds!
But when they finally said “And the winner is……Rachael Williams” I just smiled and walked out on stage. I’m surprised I didn’t cry, but I was actually speechless.
Beautiful Hair Styles
How old were you when you started modeling?
I started modelling around 19 but signed to my first agency when I was 23.
Ms. Williams has worked with designers like SIKA designs and has walked the runway of major fashion shows like the Arise Fashion Week.
With her RJW Model Academy, she works with aspiring models to build their career. She hopes to extend the scope of RJW Model Academy to Africa. We hope you enjoy our chat with Rachel.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Why modelling and when did you first begin modeling?
Rachael: I never actually wanted to be a model. It was my cousin who entered me into the beauty pageant.
At that point in my life I had very low self-esteem and [lacked] confidence (due to being bullied in school); I was so shocked I won but to my family, this was just the beginning.
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would say to them?
Rachael: I would love to meet Cleopatra and ask her if she really did bathe in milk and honey daily!
What makeup items are a must have for you daily?
My tinted moisturizer
Mac red lip glass
Lipglam moisturizer
How do you prepare for a modeling shoot?
Rachael: It really depends on the shoot. But I’ll always wash and prep my hair, fully wax, eat clean a few days before just so I’m not bloated and to prevent any spots from appearing on my face.
I always research on the company just to see what previous images/campaign shoots that they done. Also, if I’ve received a mood board I’ll take another look so I can work out my poses or my “look” on the day.
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Rachael Williams is the founder of RJW modelling agency, Rachael has featured in an array of editorials and magazines from Vogue Italia and Vogue Japan to Grazia.
Rachael has also represented global brands including Harrods, Selfridges and John Lewis, House of Fraser, Barbie, QVC and Nokia.
Has your current experience as a model of color been mostly positive or negative?
Overall my main experience as a model has been positive, I’m my own boss, I decide on all the work I do, I get to travel nearly every month, all the jobs are different, I’m always meeting new people, there is no routine and sometimes, I get to keep the clothes!
On occasions I do experience negativity from clients, agencies and the even general public in regards to my weight, my complexion, my attitude, my style e.t.c but I don’t let any of that bother me as I know where I am going and I do not need to entertain that along the way.
Have you found that there has been an increase of other models of color since you started, or does the modeling industry still have a long way to go in recruiting models of color?
When I started out, what attracted me to the industry was that there was quite a few models of color that actually working within the industry despite all the negativity surrounding it.
So I aspired to be like them. As I have grown within the industry about 80% of those same models have disappeared of the scene!
I’m not sure the reason behind this as there could be many but what I do know is that this industry will try to purposely break you down.
But you have to keep on fighting for what you believe in, and for those of you who have done that, I say thank you, as I would not be where I am if you had not made the impact that you have.
However, although there are many models color ‘breaking’ it in this industry we still do have a long way to go before the agencies and the designers will begin to recruit them based on their individuality, not just their race!
A few large posters
Traveling the world
leaving, London, England
Geneva, Switzerland
Paris, France
Canary Islands
Ibiza, Spain
Venice, Italy
Her Beautiful Parents Below
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