This short documentary film follows the story of Ryann and JoEllen as they discover online that they are sisters from the same sperm donor, donor #150 at the California Cryobank. Questioning the gap between expectations and reality, this film touches on issues of genetic inheritance and paternity. Screened at the 2008 Student Academy Awards (Finalist), […]
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Robots and Humans
Robots are no longer science fiction. Today, they help build products, they even explore Mars. Robots have assisted human beings now for decades. Someday they’ll be part of our daily life
Read MoreThe Genius Gene
The Genius Sperm Bank was created in the late 1970s by Robert Klark Graham, an American millionaire optometrist. Officially named the Repository for Germinal Choice, its aim was to breed highly intelligent people in order to save the world from genetic decline.Graham believed he could achieve this by getting clever men to donate sperm. To be […]
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