Sola Rey

Thracian Treasures: Golden Phial & Amphora With African Faces Found In Bulgaria, Europe?

Most of what we know about the ancient Thracians comes from surviving ancient Greek and Roman sources.

The Thracians were an ancient ethnic group that inhabited parts of what is today European Turkey and the extreme north of Greece, but the vast majority of Thracian land is in what is today Bulgaria. Although Thrace as an extant group seemingly disappears with the same third- to seventh-century Slavic, Gothic, and Visigothic invasions that felled the Roman Empire, many Bulgarians can still trace their bloodlines and DNA to ancient Thracians communities.

Thracian: History, Culture & Gladiators |

More Facts less fiction 

This collection consists of a phiale, an amphora and seven rhytons with total weight of 6.164 kg of 24-karat gold. All of the objects are richly and skilfully decorated with scenes of Thracian myths, customs and life.

It is dated from the 4th-3rd centuries BC, and is thought to have been used as a royal ceremonial set by the Thracian king Seuthes III.

As one of the best known surviving artifacts of Thracian culture, the treasure has been displayed at various museums around the world. When not on a tour, the treasure is the centerpiece of the Thracian art collection of the National Museum of History in Sofia.

Curious looking ancient objects…. -Sola

More Facts less fiction 

The items may have been buried to hide them during 4th century BC invasions of the area by the Celts or Macedonians. The phiale carries inscriptions giving its weight in Greek drachmae and Persian darics.

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The Big Amphora 


The two heads of Ethiopians which was the generic name at the time for the inhabitants of Africa.

From the short doc of Panagyurishte Treasure


has handles shaped as centaurs, and the openings for pouring wine represent Negro heads. In between those two openings, the amphora is decorated with a scene of Hercules fighting a snake. Three of the seven rhytons are jugs with Amazon heads and carry scenes and heroes from Greek mythology, and the phiale carries inscriptions giving its weight in Greek drachmae and Persian darics. As one of the best known surviving artifacts of Thracian culture, the treasure has been displayed at various museums around the world. When not on a tour, the treasure is the centerpiece of the Thracian art collection of the National Museum of History in Sofia.

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Europe’s ancient history should be re-written! Long before Rome came into existence and before Greece flourished, the Thracian stirpes have populated vast areas of the European continent and they left their mark on its whole history.

We invite you on a journey to Europe’s antiquity, where a new vision over ancient history will be presented to you. Many of the things you have considered before, as being well established, will be shaken. Little known facts and events will come to redefine history as you know it…

The material evidence and historical sources prove that the Thracians had an advanced culture and that they were sophisticated art creators; also, that the Greek world was strongly influenced by the Thracian one, the Greeks borrowing traditions and deities from the Thracians.

Concurrently, the excursion into the ancient Thracian-Geto-Dacian world will bring to you a close-up of the amazing gold and silver ancient treasures and the remarkable personalities of certain Thracian heroes that have remained deeply carved into humanity’s memory.

Last but not least, you will discover that Thracian-Geto-Dacians have even reached as far as the rule of the Roman Empire themselves, a fact that was clearly mentioned and beyond any doubt by the Roman ancient historic sources themselves…

TV Show: Premiered on Starz

Fun Fact: 

Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator who, along with the Gauls Crixus, Oenomaus, Castus and Gannicus, was one of the escaped slave leaders in the Third Servile War, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic.


The real Spartacus was a freeborn provincial from Thrace, who may have served as an auxiliary in the Roman army in Macedonia. He deserted the army, was outlawed, captured, sold into slavery, and trained at the gladiatorial school of Batiatus in Capua.

Historical Background for Spartacus – VRoma

Map Of Bulgaria

The Thracians were an ancient ethnic group that inhabited parts of what is today European Turkey and the extreme north of Greece, but the vast majority of Thracian land is in what is today Bulgaria.

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