Sola Rey

Melanins, the pigments that color our eyes, hair and skin. Renewable energy…MELANIN?

I thought I heard and read it all but his type of scientific information is shocking and quite amazing!

I remember as a child my science teacher told us that, the purpose for the sun was to get vitamin D and also the sun helps to uplift your mood. I was taught that the extra melanin/pigment was due to exposure of the sun for some groups, which also protects them from cancer but now this new finding states that, it’s also a form of renewable energy?


There are so many people suffering around the world from within, if they had this type of information, I think they would be happy.

Unfortunately again, this is not common knowledge.

We are all children of the sun.-Sola



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“We see the same thing in black patients with macular degeneration,” D’Amato notes. People of all races can develop the dry form of macular degeneration, which involves small yellow spots that don’t affect vision too much. But in nonblacks, blood vessels grow behind the retina and severely damage vision, blocking out the center of the field of sight, or producing blindness. In black people the disease seldom progresses that far.

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Melanin is to the animal kingdom like chlorophyll to the vegetal kingdom1.
Melanin collects energy from lower-energy radiation sources, kicks electrons
into excited states, initiating a process that would end up producing chemical
energy, similar to the way in which photosynthesis supplies energy to plants.
However, the precise roles of melanin during this process are unknown. Here we
show that the increase in the electron-transfer properties of melanin is
independent of the energy of the incident photons. We found in controlled in vivo
assays that melanin has the remarkable capability of converting lower-energy
radiation towards a more useful form of energy. Furthermore, we found that
melanin can break up water molecules and giving up energy suggesting an
additional behavior mode for melanin. Our results demonstrate how members of
the melanin family are likely to function as transducers, oxidizing water, pushing
apart water molecules, as well as recruiting back ions into molecules that are
subsequently polarized again. Melanin drives the photon energy of lower-energy
radiation sources by quenching electrons and initiating an ionic event
independently of their relative energy contention. We anticipate our assay to be
a starting point for more sophisticated photoelectrochemical applications. For
example, the individual and combined action of multiple photovoltaic
applications could be tested, including conducting polymers, for example poly-
(phenylenevinylene) (PPV) derivatives or C60 particles. Furthermore, melanin’s
energy conversion ability is a major target of solar energy conversion
development, and an organic-semiconductor way for photoelectrochemical
applications will be relevant for such developments.

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