Sola Rey

DNA confirms Aboriginal culture one of Earth’s oldest


ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIANS ARE descendents of the first people to leave Africa up to 75,000 years ago, a genetic study has found, confirming they may have the oldest continuous culture on the planet.

DNA confirms Aboriginal culture one of Earth’s oldest …

Australia celebrates “National Sorry Day,” as a way to make amends for the historical persecution of Aboriginal people. So who are the Aboriginal people of Australia?

Learn More:

Guidelines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Terminology…
“The purpose of these guidelines is to provide Queensland Health staff with guidance on appropriate terminology when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, and for use in all relevant policy, planning, programs and resource development.”

Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations…
“The first National Sorry Day was held on 26 May 1998 – one year after the tabling of the report Bringing them Home, May 1997.”

Kinship and Identity…
“The legal historian, John McCorquodale, has reported that since the time of white settlement, governments have used no less than 67 classifications, descriptions or definitions to determine who is an Aboriginal person.”

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How Powerful Is Australia?…

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